Monthly Archives: October 2012
JRH 2011-2012 Annual Report

Each year, in the face of rising costs and cultural challenges, we continue to provide a sacred space and spiritual programs that enhance, enliven, and deepen the spiritual lives of contemporary men and women. Your monetary and prayer support is a gift that we treasure. As stewards, we at JRH have taken…
Coming this Fall… New Programs

FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY. EXPLORING THE INTERIOR CASTLE WITH TERESA OF AVILA. Fall Gathering focusing on the First Three Mansions facilitated by Martha Campbell. Open to Spiritual Directors, Retreat Leaders, Pastoral Ministers and Those Who have Made the Full Spiritual Exercises. Saturday Mornings from 9:30 – 11:30. (Coffee and Conversation…
January – A Word from the Lay Leadership Director

A WORD FROM THE DIRECTOR As we begin another year of grace, we look to the Spirit for guidance in navigating the challenging national fiscal times and the daunting crisis we have witnessed in the recent devastation of life in Newtown, CT. I sit with the rule of life offered…