Sunday October 14, 2012 – Sunday October 14, 2012
5629 State Road
As a Trappist monk and beloved spiritual master, Thomas Merton wrote passionately about spirituality in a way that speaks to the hearts of men and women today. Merton’s gift to all of us is this simple message: the contemplative experience, which uncovers our unity with God and a new vision of life, is not only for monks but for all Christians.
In this afternoon with Merton, Wayne Simsic will draw from the monk’s life and writings to introduce his unique approach to the spiritual life. There will be time for prayer and reflection, including time to walk the beautiful grounds of the Jesuit Retreat House. He is the author of numerous articles and books on the spiritual life, including Praying Through Our Losses: Meditations on Grieving, Thomas Merton: An Invitation to the Contemplative Life, and, most recently, Seeking the Beloved: A Prayer Journey with John of the Cross.
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