Called & Sent Spiritual Formation Program

CALLED AND SENT SPIRITUAL FORMATION PROGRAM – MODULE NEWSThese modules are currently being offered:Ignatian Foundations. The 11 members of the St. Ignatius High School Board of Regents who have been participating in this module will welcome the members of the full board to a day of retreat which will focus on “Becoming Contemplatives in Action Through the Practice of Examen.” Held on Sunday, March 8th, the retreat is being planned by Mike Franz, Board Chair and Jerry Skoch, VP and Chief Mission Officer, under the direction of module facilitators, Rich Jerdonek and Martha Campbell. The Christian at Work in the World. Claudette Matero will join with Sharon Bramante, who designed and developed this module, in co-leading onepart of this module, “Finding God in Daily Work.”  The parishioners at St. Basil the Great Parish, Brecksville will begin this program on Tuesday evening, February 17th. Comprised of three two-hour sessions and a half-day retreat, the module will explore ways to serve Christ more effectively at work and at home.Embracing the Mystery. Continuing this month for the second session of this three three-hour program and an overnight retreat, the module addresses the participants’ lived experience of Christ’s paschal mystery in their own lives. Karen Broer and Joan Carney, who collaborated in the design of this module,have gathered a learning community of 20 participants drawn from the ministries of spiritual direction, retreat leadership, pastoral ministry and those who have made the full Spiritual Exercises.

Living Prayer. Co-led by Martha Campbell and Amy McKenna, this 6-session retreat-in-daily-life will offer a diversity of prayer practices and focus on the theme of “gratitude.” The people of St. Clarence Parish, North Olmsted, will experience this Lenten retreat beginning on February 17th. Team members include: Mary Ann Campbell, Patrick Cleary-Burns, John Carlson, Jackie Krejcik and Susan Antall.

Two Modules were offered this past fall. Encountering Jesus Christ, designed, developed and led by Andy Kereky and Discernment and Decision-Making, co-led by Janet Lehane and Patrick Cleary-Burns, who designed and developed this module.