Ignatian Currents: Facilitated by Dr. Laurie Cassidy, October 30 & 31.

Ignatian Currents. October 30 & 31.


Ignatian Currents: Kidnapped by Busyness? An Ignatian Remedy

Cultural “Busyness” and the Ignatian “Two Standards”

Ignatian Currents consists of two programs. The facilitator for these programs is Dr. Laurie Cassidy. The first program will be held Friday October 30 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. The second program will be held Saturday October 31 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. There will be overnight accommodations available on Friday night which includes breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Friday program is $25, Saturday program is $50, Friday & Saturday programs are $65 and Friday & Saturday programs with overnight accommodations including breakfast and lunch is $98.

Although these programs can be taken separately, it is encouraged that you participate in both the Friday and Saturday programs to receive the full benefit of the experience.

Friday, October 30, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

With What Standard Do I Measure My Life?

Many people in America are very busy. As a result we seem to have dis-ease with not being occupied, which can take a toll on all our relationships. Does this everyday reality have anything to do with being Christian? For St. Ignatius responding to Christ’s call was to become Christ’s companion. Ignatius reveals the radical nature of this call in his meditation on the Two Standards. This evening’s program will examine what Ignatius intended in this challenging prayer on accepting the standard of Christ amidst our, at times, overwhelming everyday life. We will pray together about the risky business of not being busy. We will explore together how being Christ’s friend may be the healing of our dis-ease, and moreover being embraced by God in all things.

(Coffee and Conversation from 6:30 p.m.)

Saturday, October 31, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

The Kingdom is Here and Now

This day-long program aims to retrieve Jesus’ message about the Kingdom of God. For Jesus the Kingdom is not the result of our good or perfect behavior –but is Passionate Love breaking in to our world right now. We will explore how American culture reduces Christian life into a “spiritual way” to be more efficient, accomplished and “busy about many things”. Jesus promises the transformation of our minds, therefore how do we allow God to transform our vision of discipleship? With insights from Ignatius we will explore how we trust and surrender to God’s Kingdom in our lives and in our world. This day will weave together input, small and large group sharing and times of quiet and prayer.

(Coffee at 8:30 a.m. This day includes lunch)

About the Facilitator: Dr. Laurie Cassidy is a spiritual director and theologian. With a master’s degree in Christian Spirituality from Creighton University she has ministered in the area of spirituality for the past thirty years through spiritual direction, retreats and workshops at the diocesan level, at the parish level, and in campus ministry. Laurie has guided people through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises at Jesuit retreat houses throughout the United States. In addition, she holds a doctorate in Christian Ethics from Loyola University/Chicago. Laurie is an award winning author and editor; her writing explores how Christian spirituality provides practices for both personal and social transformation.

Jesuit Retreat House
5629 State Road
Parma, Ohio
Map and Directions

Start Date: October 30, 2015
End Date: October 31, 2015

Start Time: 7:00 pm
End Time: 4:00 pm

Registration Details

Personal Information

If applicable, do you have any special dietary needs?