It expresses God’s majesty, beauty, power, goodness, creativity.
Please take your time and pray from the heart as you reflect upon the material on this webpage.
How does God reveal? By showing, by sharing.
We can listen and we can look with wonder and awe.
v God speaks to us through the beauty, majesty, power, and order of creation. v God speaks to us through the Prophets, Abraham, Moses, Blessed Virgin, Apostles, Saints and Sacred Tradition. v God speaks to us through Jesus Christ “Whoever sees me, sees the Father.” v God speaks to us through the Holy Scriptures, Writings inspired by God. v God speaks to each of us through spiritual movements in the heart. The Spirit of God moves us.
How to develop a listening, attentive heart—to know the word of God and to discern His Will? What speaks of God to me? A faith-disposition helps me to “find God in all things.” Would slowing down in life help us to notice the beauty of creation? “We see but don’t see; hear but don’t hear.” Faith in God, in Jesus Christ, should give direction to life, values, attitudes. God is still “creating” each of us! God’s love is at work in us.
Everything God creates is good. Creation says a lot about the Creator! Look at some originals simply for enjoyment and prayerful wonder and awe.

“Be still and know that I am God.” What does the eye see? What does the heart know?

Are you in a good position to take in the grandeur and glory of God? Are you moving too fast to see, to hear, to experience the beauty and loveliness God puts before us? The same question may apply to our human relationships. “Seeing, awareness, and openness” are good qualities for taking in the beauty and spectacular sights of nature. “Quiet, listening, and compassion” may be good qualities to take in the aching heart of another.
Your spiritual life will require some developed ability to recognize the work of God in your heart. Are you aware that God is fashioning you into a masterpiece of beauty?
Paul reminds us that star differs from star but each shines brilliantly. You are the masterpiece. And so is each other person—each unrepeatable and special.
As a unique Child of God the Holy Spirit is forming your life in union with Christ to bear good fruit like the branch on the vine. Are you able to discern this activity of the Spirit in your heart?
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