
IMG_0792It has been said that “I get by with a little help from my friends.”

If that is true for each of us, it is definitely true for Jesuit Retreat House. Jesuit Retreat House is able to provide peace of mind and spiritual programs that change lives because of the generous support of people who believe in our ministry. We are always glad and grateful to receive the help of our friends.

Please consider supporting Jesuit Retreat House in any of the following ways, and contact us at (440) 884-9300 with any questions you may have. We will be happy to talk with you about how your gift can leave a lasting legacy for the ministry of JRH.

Monetary Contribution 

You can make a secure online donation below.  Once you select Submit you will be taken to a secure environment to complete your transaction.  Or, if you would prefer, mail your check to Jesuit Retreat House, 5629 State Rd, Parma, OH  44134.

  •   Angel Fund for people needing financial support for retreats
      Annual Fund for overall operations and programs
      Capital Campaign for new addition and renovations



Other Gifts

Contribute in-kind gifts, stock shares, annuity, charitable remainder trust, or insurance policy.  Ask your employer to provide a matching gift for your donation.

Planned Giving

Remember Jesuit Retreat House in your will in order to give a gift that keeps on giving.  Think of the ways you have grown and changed during retreats at JRH, how it has made a difference in your life, and consider making a lasting impact through your planned gift.

Tell a Friend About JRH

Spread the word about Jesuit Retreat House by promoting our retreat programs to your friends, neighbors, fellow parishioners and colleagues…anyone who has ears to listen! Encourage them to visit JRH or join you for a retreat at JRH.  Invite them to sign up for our e-newsletter.

Participate in Hearts on Fire

Our next annual fundraising gala Hearts on Fire will take place in May 11, 2018. It promises to be a fun evening and a great opportunity to strengthen the spiritual programs of JRH.  Drinks, catered dinner, and valet parking are included.

Attend the Philanthropia Luncheon as a guest of Jesuit Retreat House.

Philanthropia is an annual benefit event sponsored by Executive Caterers at Landerhaven.  Admission to the luncheon is a tax deductible check made out to Jesuit Retreat House. Yes, 100% of your ticket becomes a donation to JRH!  The next luncheon will be held December 4, 2017. Contact us for details at 440-884-9300.


Thank you for considering a gift for Jesuit Retreat House.

“I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5