Jesuit Retreat House – Lenten Retreat ’09 – Week 1


Lord, I am yours.

Make of me what you will.



How to Begin Prayer


St. Ignatius recommends that the period of prayer begin by: 1) having a specific time/place for my prayer; 2) call to mind that I am in God’s presence and that the Lord wants to listen and converse with me; and 3) pray for a generous spirit during my prayer period.


His prayer for generosity is:


Lord, teach me to be generous,

teach me to serve you

as you deserve,

to give and not to count the cost,

to fight and not to heed the wounds,

to toil and not to seek for rest,

to labor and not to ask for any reward,

except to know it is

your will I am doing.




Prayer Aid: The Examen


Discernment means to discover in one’s life the working of the Holy Spirit or the working of the Evil Spirit, whom Ignatius calls “the enemy of human nature.”


In order to help us discern the working of these two spirits, Ignatius gave us the Examen of Consciousness. This method provides a powerful step-by-step process that greatly enhances one’s prayer and spiritual life.  Ignatius placed a great deal of importance on the Examen, recommending that it be done on a daily basis.


The following five (5) steps are suggested for making your Examen:                


1) God, I believe that at this moment I am in your presence and you are loving me. I am grateful for this love.


2) God, you know my needs better than I do. Give me your light and help as I review my day. I need help to see my motives, values that I live by.


3) God, help me to review the events of this day in order to recognize your blessings and my failures. Help me to notice the opportunities given and the blessings I didn’t recognize.


4) God, I ask your forgiveness for my mistakes and I thank you for all your personal blessings to me. You are very good to me.


5) As I look forward to the remainder of this day [or tomorrow] make me aware that you are with me. Show me how to become the person you want me to be. Be with me and help me to be aware of your presence and love.


***It is important to note that the above steps are not rules but guidelines for you to follow and adapt in whatever way most benefits your prayer life.  Note – this form has been used by students at