All ministers of Consolation (Bereavement Ministers) are invited to a retreat evening on Thursday, September 20 from 6:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at JRH. The presenters will be Steven V. Malec from Catholic Cemeteries Association, Betsy Knestrick, Diocesan Department for Marriage & Family and JRH Director Fr. Clem Metzger, S.J. The evening will be built around Psalm 119: 28 “My Soul Melts Away for Sorrow; Strengthen Me According to Your Word”. This is a free evening sponsored in part by a Tabor Fund Grant. Starting with dinner, the evening will embrace the work of the minister and enhance their call to this special work. Please take the time to nourish yourself in this special time, so that you can continue your ministry with the bereaved. Space is limited so please register early. For more information call Betsy Knestrick at the Diocesan Department for Marriage and Family Ministry (216-696-6525 x5850) or Barb Leggott at JRH at 440-884-9300.