What Is A Retreat? | Typical Conference Retreat
Praying with St. Ignatius |
Jesuit Retreat House offers an 8-week program of prayer for anyone seeking to deepen and strengthen their spiritual life. Based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, Praying With St. Ignatius is a scripture-based program for spiritual growth that deepens your spirituality and allows the Holy Spirit to touch your heart in a personal way.
The retreattakes place over 8 weekly sessions lasting 1 1/2 hours per session. Eachsession features the following activities:
Presentation on Ignatian forms of prayer given by trained spiritual directors
Small-group faith sharing over one’s prayer experience from the previous week
Distribution of Scripture readings for the week and prayer handouts
Followingare upcoming offerings of Praying With St. Ignatius:
Future Retreat Dates and Locations To Be Announced |
Formore information about other upcoming offerings of the Praying with St. Ignatiusseries or if you would like to hold the retreat at your parish, please contact us.