Praying With Ignatius Loyola – a parish retreat series

What Is A Retreat? | Typical Conference Retreat 

Praying with St. Ignatius 
Parish retreat sharing the gift of Ignatian spirituality

Jesuit Retreat House offers an 8-week program of prayer for anyone seeking to deepen and strengthen their spiritual life. Based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, Praying With St. Ignatius is a scripture-based program for spiritual growth that deepens your spirituality and allows the Holy Spirit to touch your heart in a personal way. 

The retreattakes place over 8 weekly sessions lasting 1 1/2 hours per session.  Eachsession features the following activities:

  • Presentation on Ignatian forms of prayer given by trained spiritual directors

  • Small-group faith sharing over one’s prayer experience from the previous week

  • Distribution of Scripture readings for the week and prayer handouts

Followingare upcoming offerings of Praying With St. Ignatius:



Future Retreat Dates and Locations To Be Announced


Formore information about other upcoming offerings of the Praying with St. Ignatiusseries or if you would like to hold the retreat at your parish, please contact us.