Stations of the Cross - #8 

Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem.

We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you;
Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.


�A large crowd of people followed Jesus, including many women who mourned and lamented him. Jesus turned to them and said, �Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep instead for yourselves and your children.�

A Prayer

�My Jesus, 
your compassion in your passion
is beyond compare.
Lord, teach me,
help me learn. 
When I would snap at those
who hurt me with their ridicule,
those who misunderstand,
or hinder me with misguided helpfulness,
those who intrude upon my privacy � then help me curb my tongue.

May gentleness become my cloak.
Lord, make me kind like you.�

Station 7

Station 9

