U.S. Jesuit Conference
Homepage of the Society of Jesus in the United States
USA Midwest Province
Website providing information on Jesuit news and ministries in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio
Main diocesan website linking to diocesan news, departments, and ministries
Ignatian Spirituality.com
Links and information about a spiritual tradition that helps you to build a heartfelt relationship with Jesus Christ and to see God in all things
Sacred Space
Website run by the Irish Jesuits featuring daily Ignatian reflections on the Gospel readings
Daily MP3 prayer-files from the British Jesuits
Three Minute Retreats
Terrific break from the hectic work day, produced by Loyola Press
Ignatian Spirituality: Online Ministries
Daily Reflections and Online Retreat Experience provided by Creighton University
Spiritual Exercise for the Week
Weekly readings and Ignatian meditations
America Magazine
National Catholic weekly published by the Jesuits
Jesuit Social Apostolate
Database of Jesuit social justice apostolates
Ignatian Spirituality Project
A Jesuit ministry offering spiritual retreats to end homelessness
Daily Readings
Readings and psalms provided on the website of the United States Conference of Catholic bishops [New American Bible translation]
Charis Ministries
Charis offers retreat experiences in the Jesuit tradition for men and women in their 20s and 30s, helping them to develop deeper spiritual lives and stronger connections to faith communities
Loyola Club
The Loyola Club gathers Jesuit-educated alums for food, fellowship and inspiration
Loyola Press
A Jesuit Ministry
Catholic Bishops Conference
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Jesuit Collaborative
Lay and religious women and men collaborating to share the gift of the Spiritual Exercises and Ignatian Spirituality
Ignatian Solidarity Network
Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN) is a national social justice education and advocacy organization inspired by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Ignatian Spirituality Institute
The Ignatian Spirituality Institute offers a two year program in spiritual direction