Stations of the Cross – #10
Jesus is stripped of His garments.

We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you;
Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
Scripture: “They brought Jesus to the place of Golgotha (which means Place of the Skull). They gave him wine to drink mixed with gall. After they had crucified him, they divided his garments by casting lots for them to see what each should take.”
[Mark 15, 24ff]
A Prayer
“Lord, I offer you my all – whatever I possess, and more, my self.
Detach me from the craving for prestige, position, wealth. Root out of me all trace of envy of my neighbor who has more than I. Release me from the vice of pride, my longing to exalt myself, and lead me to the lowest place. May I be poor in spirit, Lord, so I can be rich in you.”