
To register for a retreat or program simply select your desired program from the list below.


After submitting registration information you will have the option to pay online through a secured transaction or mail payment to Jesuit Retreat House, 5629 State Road, Parma, Ohio 44134. Overnight and weekend retreats offer the option to make a $50.00 non-refundable deposit to hold your registration. Remaining balance is due prior to arrival.

Please note offsite and parish-based programs frequently set their own cost and handle their own registration. Please follow special contact and registration procedures for such events. Thank you!

Should you have any questions, or experience difficulty registering please contact 440-884-9300 ext. 310.

Exploring Mindfulness – A Pathway to Prayer and Kindness

Price: $45.00

Date: October 13, 2018

mindfulness-treeSaturday, October 13
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Cost: $45

Presented by Sr. Kate Hine, SND & John Ropar

Living well takes an attentive heart and a courageous spirit. This day of reflection will offer an opportunity to renew our commitment to living in the moment, to living mindfully so that our prayer and action become a single response of love to God and to one another. We will explore the meaning of mindfulness and practice mindful awareness. As we deepen our understanding of prayer, we’ll also incorporate prayer practices into our experience. Finally, we’ll look at kindness to ourselves and to others as a fruit of mindfulness and prayer.

Sr. Kate Hine is a Sister of Notre Dame. As an educator and a spiritual director she facilitates retreats and workshops and has worked with young adults in retreat settings and in volunteer service programs. John Ropar is a counselor in private practice, a certified spiritual director, and has done numerous programs on mindfulness in the community.

Available Spaces: Unlimited

An Evening on St. Claude de la Colombiere, SJ and The Devotion to the Sacred Heart

Price: $20.00

Date: October 22, 2018

asian-ministryThe Asian Ministry presents…

An Evening on St. Claude de la Colombiere, S.J. and The Devotion to the Sacred Heart

by Rev. Fr. Raymond Guiao, S.J., President , St. Ignatius High School

October 22, 2018
7:00- 9:00 PM
at Jesuit Retreat Center
Donation: $ 20.00

Prepare ourselves early for the Christmas Season by  savoring a heart to heart evening with Rev. Fr. Guiao, S.J. as he explores  the life of St. Claude de la Colombiere. Then learn about the propagation of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. ALL ARE WELCOME.

Available Spaces: 57

Movie Night – Paul, Apostle of Christ

Price: $0.00

Date: October 22, 2018

paul-apostle_websiteMonday, October 22
7:00 pm
Cost: Freewill Offering at event

As darkness spreads over the Roman empire, Paul and Luke defy a ruthless emperor, risking their lives to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Their faith challenged an empire. But their words changed the world. Starring Jim Caviezel, Olivier Martinez and John Lynch.

Available Spaces: Unlimited

October Pre-Cana Day for Engaged Couples

Price: $90.00

Date: October 28, 2018

pre-canaSunday, October 28
12:45 pm – 8:00 pm
Cost: $90/per couple

The festivity and emotion of your wedding day is a wonderful time in your life that you will never forget – but maintaining a sacramental union is hard work and must be your first priority for the rest of your life. The beauty and serenity of Jesuit Retreat House is the ideal place to spend the day with soon-to-be spouse.

Topics to be covered include Communication, Sexuality, Everyday Living, and the Sacrament of Marriage.

The day will include prayer, presentations, couple sharing (most important part of the day), Liturgy and dinner. Dress is casual.

Pre-Cana days fill quickly, please register early.

Available Spaces: 29

October Morning Prayer for Women

Price: $8.00

Date: October 29, 2018

coffeeMonday, October 29
9:30 am – 11:00 am
Cost: $8

Women from all walks of life are invited to pray together and learn more about the beauty of prayer. Led by Sr. Mary Ann Flannery, S.C., this prayer group will refresh your spirit and help you find strength in regular prayer habits. Just bring your Bible and come as you are!

Price includes coffee and pastry. Registrations are encouraged, but walk-ins welcome!

Available Spaces: Unlimited

Emmaus Retreat: Why Be Faithful? Finding and Keeping Your Spiritual Home

Price: $95.00

Date: November 2, 2018

emmaus_2018Friday, Nov. 2 – Saturday, Nov. 3
Friday 6:00 pm – Saturday 8:30 pm
Cost: $95

Keynote by Fr. Neil Walters

This is the 19th annual retreat at JRC for LGBT Christians, their families and friends. Luke 24: 13-35 tells us that two of Jesus’ disciples met Him on the road to the village of Emmaus. The encounter renewed their hopes and sense of mission. Gay and lesbian Catholics continue to meet Jesus as they journey to the Kingdom. The Emmaus retreat is a time to encounter Christ and to share the journey together. Mass will be celebrated on Saturday by Fr. Doug Koesel.

Rev. Walters currently serves as the Chaplain at the Cuyahoga County Jail and presently is in residence at St. Malachi Parish in Cleveland, Ohio. He was Parochial Vicar over the years at St. Felicitas, St. Clarence, St. John Neumann in Cleveland, St. Sebastian in Akron, and St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Wooster.

Available Spaces: Unlimited

Crisis and Contemplation – Praying through the Crises of our Lives

Price: $45.00

Date: November 5, 2018

pray-through-crises_webMonday, November 5
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Cost: $45

Presented by Sr. Rosemarie Carfagna, OSU

The crises of life are turning points from which we can grow spiritually. The day offers reflections on spiritual wisdom gained through crisis with examples from the lives of Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, Henri Nouwen, Catherine Doherty, Cardinal Bernardin and others. It will be a chance to reflect on God’s action in their lives and in our own. There will be time for presentation, silent prayer and group sharing.

Rosemarie Carfagna is an Ursuline sister with experience in college teaching, spiritual direction and retreat work. She has a doctoral degree in spirituality and is the author of several books, most recently Crisis and Contemplation.

Available Spaces: Unlimited

Movie Night – Edith Stein, The Seventh Chamber

Price: $0.00

Date: November 12, 2018

edith-stein_websiteMonday, November 12
7:00 pm
Cost: Freewill Offering at event

A moving, artistic portrayal of the life of Jewish philosopher, Catholic convert and Carmelite martyr, Edith Stein, capturing the interior struggles of this extraordinary woman, as well as the great conflicts from her decision to convert to Catholicism. One phrase, “Love Conquers Fear” embodies her philosophy of life.

Available Spaces: Unlimited

November Pre-Cana Day for Engaged Couples

Price: $90.00

Date: November 18, 2018

pre-canaSunday, November 18
12:45 pm – 8:00 pm
Cost: $90/per couple

The festivity and emotion of your wedding day is a wonderful time in your life that you will never forget – but maintaining a sacramental union is hard work and must be your first priority for the rest of your life. The beauty and serenity of Jesuit Retreat House is the ideal place to spend the day with soon-to-be spouse.

Topics to be covered include Communication, Sexuality, Everyday Living, and the Sacrament of Marriage.

The day will include prayer, presentations, couple sharing (most important part of the day), Liturgy and dinner. Dress is casual.

Pre-Cana days fill quickly, please register early.

Available Spaces: 26

Sr. Ignatia AA Women’s Retreat: From – the root of our problem, To – there is a solution

Price: $50.00

Date: November 23, 2018

sister-ignatia-aaFriday, Nov. 23 – Sunday, Nov. 25
Friday 6:00 pm – Sunday 11:00 am
Cost: $160 (some scholarship assistance available)

Presented by Kathy Fischer, Therese Martin-Bendahan and Sharon Seliskar

A Recovery Retreat at Jesuit Retreat Center is a time to nurture your serenity and find the strength to work the steps of recovery The weekend includes presentations, Mass, healing service, and 5 home-cooked meals. Limited scholarship assistance available.

Available Spaces: 55

November Morning Prayer for Women

Price: $8.00

Date: November 26, 2018

coffeeMonday, November 26
9:30 am – 11:00 am
Cost: $8

Women from all walks of life are invited to pray together and learn more about the beauty of prayer. Led by Sr. Mary Ann Flannery, S.C., this prayer group will refresh your spirit and help you find strength in regular prayer habits. Just bring your Bible and come as you are!

Price includes coffee and pastry. Registrations are encouraged, but walk-ins welcome!

Available Spaces: Unlimited

Companions for the Journey: A Prayer Gathering for Spiritual Directors

Price: $25.00

Date: November 27, 2018

a-prayer-gathering-for-spiritual-directorsProgram offered twice; choose your preferred date/time:
Tuesday Evening, November 27 (register here)
Wednesday Morning, November 28  (scroll down to register for the 28th)
9:30 am–12:00pm

Cost: $25

Presented by Janet Lehane & Paula Fitzgerald

Spiritual direction is a ministry of presence. Join us for an evening (or a morning) of prayer and reflection and allow the Spirit to be present to you. Come and explore your call and your experiences as a director, as well as the graces of accompanying others in spiritual direction. There will be ample time for individual prayer as well as time to share with others involved in this ministry.

Janet and Paula are both certified spiritual directors and experienced retreat leaders and have served at St. Ignatius High School and John Carroll University, respectively.

Available Spaces: Unlimited

Companions for the Journey: A Prayer Gathering for Spiritual Directors

Price: $25.00

Date: November 28, 2018

a-prayer-gathering-for-spiritual-directorsProgram offered twice; choose your preferred date/time:
Tuesday Evening, November 27 (scroll up to register for the 27th)
Wednesday Morning, November 28 (register here)
9:30 am–12:00pm

Cost: $25

Presented by Janet Lehane & Paula Fitzgerald

Spiritual direction is a ministry of presence. Join us for an evening (or a morning) of prayer and reflection and allow the Spirit to be present to you. Come and explore your call and your experiences as a director, as well as the graces of accompanying others in spiritual direction. There will be ample time for individual prayer as well as time to share with others involved in this ministry.

Janet and Paula are both certified spiritual directors and experienced retreat leaders and have served at St. Ignatius High School and John Carroll University, respectively.

Available Spaces: Unlimited

Advent Luncheon – “Walking in Advent with Mary of Nazareth”

Price: $30.00

Date: December 10, 2018

advent-luncheonMonday, December 10
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Cost: $30

Presented by Sr. Kathleen Glavich, SND

Mary, who faced the extraordinary challenges of her vocation with love and faith, is a perfect Advent model. This presentation offers realistic views of our Blessed Mother based on Scripture with insights from historians. From her spirituality, it will draw three practices that strengthen our relationship with God and prepare us for his coming — listening, trusting, and loving.

Sr. Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND, is an author, editor, and international speaker who has produced various faith formation materials, including more than eighty books – among these are The Catholic Companion to Mary and Heart to Heart with Mary: A Yearly Devotional.

Available Spaces: Unlimited

The Joyful Mysteries & Recovering Bethlehem’s Peace

Price: $100.00

Date: December 14, 2018

December 14 – 15
Friday 6:00 pm – Saturday 5:00 pm
Cost: $100

Presented by Fr. Matt Linn, SJ

Do you find that the deep meaning and peace of Advent gets overshadowed by frantic shopping, missing loved ones no longer with us, and sending cards reminding us of strained relationships? This retreat offers an opportunity to prepare our hearts by reflecting on the joyful mysteries: The Annunciation – finding the love that is deeper than our fears. The Visitation – uncovering and healing our longing for life-giving relationships that affirm us. The Nativity – creating a new home within. The Presentation – empowering us to transcend our guilt so we can give ourselves whole-heartedly to Jesus. The Finding in the Temple – exploring our unique call to serve.

The program will conclude with a healing Mass.

Fr. Matt Linn, SJ is a prolific author, retreat leader and spiritual director based in Minnesota. In conjunction with Dennis and Sheila Linn, he has authored more than 20 books and focuses his ministry on integrating physical, emotional and spiritual healing.

Available Spaces: Unlimited

Preparing for Joy in the World: From Hurting to Healing

Price: $45.00

Date: December 16, 2018

joy-in-the-worldSunday, December 16
10:30 am– 4:30 pm
Cost: $45

Presented Fr. Matt Linn, SJ

What keeps you from feeling really good right now? Advent can be a time where we are longing for new life because we have been hurt by life. All of us encounter hardships – a difficult person or situation, the loss of a loved one, a health crisis, or worry about an uncertain future – that can make it hard to sing “joy to the world.” This day will focus on how to move from longing for new life to receiving new life especially during the closing healing Mass.

Fr. Matt Linn, SJ is a prolific author, retreat leader and spiritual director based in Minnesota. In conjunction with Dennis and Sheila Linn, he has authored more than 20 books and focuses his ministry on integrating physical, emotional and spiritual healing.

Available Spaces: Unlimited

December Morning Prayer for Women

Price: $8.00

Date: December 17, 2018

coffeeMonday, December 17
9:30 am – 11:00 am
Cost: $8

Women from all walks of life are invited to pray together and learn more about the beauty of prayer. Led by Sr. Mary Ann Flannery, S.C., this prayer group will refresh your spirit and help you find strength in regular prayer habits. Just bring your Bible and come as you are!

Price includes coffee and pastry. Registrations are encouraged, but walk-ins welcome!

Available Spaces: Unlimited

Calix AA Men’s Retreat

Price: $50.00

Date: December 21, 2018

calixDecember 21 – December 23
Friday 6:00 pm – Sunday 11:00 am
Cost: $160 (some scholarship assistance available)

Presenter TBA

A Recovery Retreat at the Jesuit Retreat Center is a time to nurture your serenity, experience a re-awakening, and find the strength to work the steps of recovery. There will be daily conferences, time for prayer and reflection, a healing service, Mass, and 5 home-cooked meals.

Available Spaces: 55

Christmas Eve Mass

Price: $0.00

Date: December 24, 2018

Monday, December 24
4:00 – 5:00 pm

Please join us for Christmas Eve Mass with Father Matt, Roche, SJ in the Jesuit Retreat Center chapel.  Register below so we can save you a seat.

Freewill offering accepted that evening.

Available Spaces: 80

New Year’s Eve Retreat: Transitions and Transformations

Price: $95.00

Date: December 31, 2018

new-years-eveDecember 31 – January 1
Monday 6:00 pm (dinner) – Tuesday 11:00 am
Cost: $95

Presented by Sr. Rosemarie Carfagna, OSU

Join us at JRC for a peaceful and prayerful celebration of the New Year. We will explore transitions and transformations through Scriptural reflections on personal turning points during the past year and in the year to come. Time for presentation, silent prayer and group sharing.

Rosemarie Carfagna, OSU is an Ursuline sister with experience in college teaching, spiritual direction and retreat work. She has a doctoral degree in spirituality and is the author of several books, most recently Crisis and Contemplation.

Available Spaces: 55