January – A Word from the Lay Leadership Director


As we begin another year of grace, we look to the Spirit for guidance in navigating the challenging national fiscal times and the daunting crisis we have witnessed in the recent devastation of life in Newtown, CT. I sit with the rule of life offered in 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-17 – “Rejoice always, never cease praying, render constant thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” – and find gratitude for all the light being shed by our dedicated ministers here in northeast Ohio. Here is where you will find us:

Praying with St. Ignatius Retreats. Our Lenten retreats will take place at St. Basil the Great (Brecksville) and at Lakewood Catholic Academy (LCA). Retreat teams are now formed and preparations have begun. The retreat at St. Basil the Great will be held on Tuesday evenings beginning on February 26th. The Wednesday evening retreat for parents at Lakewood Catholic Academy will begin on February 6th. Please pray for our retreat teams and for all who will be participating in these retreats.

Nurturing the Call. We are now preparing for our spring series which will take place on April 11th, April 25th and May 9th. Leaders/Facilitators of the Praying with St. Ignatius Retreat and the St. Ignatius and Walsh Jesuit Spirituality Programs for Adults will join with our facilitator, Joe Konen for the program: Exploring Personality Type for Personal Growth and Ministerial Effectiveness. Some details are found on pg. 2 of this e-newsletter. More details will be forthcoming. Mark your calendars for this informative and formative program!

Food for the Journey. Our December gathering continued the process of applying Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle to our ministries of spiritual direction, retreat leadership and pastoral ministry. Reflecting together on the Fourth Dwelling Places of Teresa’s spiritual classic, 17 leaders gathered in community and engaged in a spiritual formation process which included prayer, ritual and conversation. The series continues on January 19th.