The Office of Continuing Education and Formation of Ministers is pleased to offer a Priest Retreat at the Jesuit Retreat House with Fr. Scott Seethaler beginning Sunday evening June 23 thru Thursday lunch June 27. Capuchin Friar Scott Seethaler was so well received by Cleveland priests in 2011 that he has been again asked to give a retreat. Different from the retreat he gave at the now closed Paul VI Center in Wheeling, he will take ten scripture passages and explore their implications for priestly life. Fr. Seethaler is a veteran preacher for parish missions as well as priests’ retreats, has been novice director and involved in seminarian formation, as well as radio broadcasting experience from 1996-2010 in the greater Pittsburg area.
Arrival time is 4:00 pm on Sunday June 23 and departure after lunch on Thursday June 27. Cost is $375 (includes room, all meals and materials). Please make check payable to Diocese of Cleveland and mail to: O.C.E.F.M., 28700 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, OH 44092
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