With the coming of summer, we move into a time of “Program Examen.” We look back at our past program year in gratitude and forward with an eye to the future, learning from our experience. We anticipate with hope all that God is bringing forth with our cooperation!
Ignatian Currents Program. On May 29th and 30th, 80+ participants gathered for the program, “What Has Christ to Do With Lunch? Living the Christ-Life in the World Based on Pope Francis’ Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel” which was facilitated by Fr. Joe Tetlow, SJ. See pg. 2 for details on the forthcoming October Ignatian Currents program.
Praying with St. Ignatius Retreat. Now that we have completed our spring retreats and our ministry reflection evenings in which leaders share “best practices” and revision suggestions, a
committee will gather to revise our retreat materials as we plan for the 2015-2016 program year. The committee members include: Margaret Balewski, Martha Campbell, Joan Carney,
Kathy Haag and Jean Sullivan.
Nurturing the Call. Janet Lehane and Martha Campbell will join together to facilitate the fall program for our Praying with St. Ignatius and Spirituality Program for Adults/ Encountering
Christ retreat leaders. The program will offer opportunity to hone the skills involved in small group facilitation as well as leading “Gospel Contemplation” and other prayer forms to large
Food for the Journey. A group of seven interested participants joined together in discerning our focus for the coming year. In the fall, we will reflect on Accidental Theologians: Women who Shaped Christianity by Elizabeth A. Dreyer. Discovering a universal spirituality in the world’s religions will be the focus of our spring gatherings. In each series, the emphasis will be on
deepening our understanding of Ignatian Spirituality in light of these perspectives.
Lay Leadership Advisory Committee. 13 members of the Advisory Committee gathered on May 20th to consider ways in which to enrich opportunities for ongoing formation / education of our leaders. Implementation of the Province Guidelines for those involved in the ministry of the Spiritual
Exercises was also discussed. In an effort to share our ministry with others, we will continue to invite recent ISI grads to join our ministry.
Ignatian Spirituality Collaborative. Representatives from six of our nine northeast Ohio Ignatian ministries met on May 27th . After reviewing all nine reports from the various
ministries, opportunities for support and collaboration were discussed. The fall meeting will be hosted by Walsh Jesuit High School on September 30th.
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